Friday, December 1, 2017

Final Costume: McCalls M7645 by Yaya Han

The costumed turned out really well.  We had one wardrobe malfunction.  The wire loops I baked into the Sculpey buttons really didn't turn out so well.  As soon as they met the smallest resistance, the wire loops popped out.   With just thirty minutes before 'trick or treat time', I had to attach a micro-drill bit to my dremel, put two small holes in each button, and then re-sew them.  With a bit of time to spare, she was ready for photos.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Sculpey to the Rescue!

I've been having trouble sourcing the right buttons for this year's Halloween costume.  The pattern calls for eight toggle buttons.  I envisioned rolled leather or wood.  I found some items that would have worked, but they were a little over budget.  Costumes can get expensive very quickly.  Sculpey often comes to the rescue.

These are some buttons I found that were close to what I wanted.  The leather option was almost $4 per button.  

For less than a dollar's worth of Premo baking clay (which was already in the craft stash) and about an hour of effort,  I ended up with some passable costume buttons.  The only drawback is that they can't be laundered.  Below are a few photos of the finished product and of the process.